Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wu Tao Kou

Does this look familiar to you?some of you might actually know what this is.This is the bomb.The ultimate.The food of all favourite. =) Yam kueh has that old Hakka nostalgia to it.
you know,right now,i feel like sitting on a plane,and fly back to malaysia just to eat my grandma's Wu Tao Kou.i have been eating this since i was 4 years of age.till today,not bored yet.won't be also.know why?cause its Wu Tao Ku leh!can i be bored of?you must be kidding.

You may be walking on the street and you glanced through a kueh foodstall by the road.knowing there will be yummy kuehs me,it won't taste as good as how my grandma can make.she's the legend.With sweet sauce,or without,you can taste's heaven.

wana know how to make these?here you are.

2.3 litres water
500g (after peeling) yam, diced into 3/4 cm cubes
3/4 cup (or more, up to you) dried prawns, washed & chopped coarsely
500g rice flour
3 t salt (more or less)
1/4 t pepper (more or less)
1/8 to 1/4 t 5 spice powder (to your liking)
2 t chicken stock granules & 1/8 t msg


shallots, sliced finely n fried in oil till crisp
finely cut spring onions
finely chopped red chilies

1. Put 6 to 7 T veg oil into hot wok and add the dried prawns and fry till golden brown and crisp at low heat. If dried prawns aren't fried long enough, the kueh will lack flavor--I learnt this in my first try.

2. Add the yam and fry till light brown. Season fried ingredients with salt, pepper, msg, 5 spice powder and add the water (which seems a lot but will dry up) and rice flour, mixing well. Taste the batter and adjust seasoning to your liking. Continue frying at low heat ( mixture burns easily), stirring well for about 12 to 15 minutes until mixture is thick, stiff and 'springy'.

3. Grease a 12"/30 cm round tin and scoop the fried mixture in, pressing lightly to level and fill out the tin.

4. Steam at high heat for 50 min. Let kueh cool completely and slice it into small servings. Scatter the garnishing over the top. Any leftover can be kept in the fridge and later reheated by pan-frying with a little oil till light-golden.

5. Serve with a sweet chili sauce like Lingham's, and a mug of kopi-O.

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