Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wu Tao Kou

Does this look familiar to you?some of you might actually know what this is.This is the bomb.The ultimate.The food of all favourite. =) Yam kueh has that old Hakka nostalgia to it.
you know,right now,i feel like sitting on a plane,and fly back to malaysia just to eat my grandma's Wu Tao Kou.i have been eating this since i was 4 years of age.till today,not bored yet.won't be also.know why?cause its Wu Tao Ku leh!can i be bored of?you must be kidding.

You may be walking on the street and you glanced through a kueh foodstall by the road.knowing there will be yummy kuehs me,it won't taste as good as how my grandma can make.she's the legend.With sweet sauce,or without,you can taste's heaven.

wana know how to make these?here you are.

2.3 litres water
500g (after peeling) yam, diced into 3/4 cm cubes
3/4 cup (or more, up to you) dried prawns, washed & chopped coarsely
500g rice flour
3 t salt (more or less)
1/4 t pepper (more or less)
1/8 to 1/4 t 5 spice powder (to your liking)
2 t chicken stock granules & 1/8 t msg


shallots, sliced finely n fried in oil till crisp
finely cut spring onions
finely chopped red chilies

1. Put 6 to 7 T veg oil into hot wok and add the dried prawns and fry till golden brown and crisp at low heat. If dried prawns aren't fried long enough, the kueh will lack flavor--I learnt this in my first try.

2. Add the yam and fry till light brown. Season fried ingredients with salt, pepper, msg, 5 spice powder and add the water (which seems a lot but will dry up) and rice flour, mixing well. Taste the batter and adjust seasoning to your liking. Continue frying at low heat ( mixture burns easily), stirring well for about 12 to 15 minutes until mixture is thick, stiff and 'springy'.

3. Grease a 12"/30 cm round tin and scoop the fried mixture in, pressing lightly to level and fill out the tin.

4. Steam at high heat for 50 min. Let kueh cool completely and slice it into small servings. Scatter the garnishing over the top. Any leftover can be kept in the fridge and later reheated by pan-frying with a little oil till light-golden.

5. Serve with a sweet chili sauce like Lingham's, and a mug of kopi-O.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


have you ever thought of how close you are to the person you're close with?especially when you're like 123456789km away from them.has the question "are we really that close that if you were to ask me any question bout that person,i can answer it." cross your mind?sometimes,i really wonder.

what made us that close?
what keeps us together?
what are our similar likings?
do you know me that well?

ignore me,im not trying to be emo or anything.then again,i feel like we're not close by day,we have lesser things to talk about.are we just not gonna talk much till i'm actually standing at a close distance to you?yet,i thought and thought.

Curled up.

stayed at my brothers know,the usual thing to do when it comes to holidays.the thought of curling my hair at the end of the year,was in mind.cause i've tried short cut,straighted,but nor curled.not lala curls.but long wavy curls.romantic curls.get it?

hmm....shall think about it.

though i did try it out today.was really nice,then again,i think i'll leave my hair longer. =)

nice?erm,or not.

then,me,nerd,ju & kel head off to town to have lunch.since we have been lazy and not go out for quite sometime.we finally decided we shall have an family lunch outing.know what,GREAT IDEA.we should get some air.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Party riot.

come to realize,NZ is exactly like Aussie.well,maybe there's more to it.say how?one word,parties.
despite the fact that aussie people are not friendly,not's just rapt.really rapt.policemen may seem a tad bit vexatious,they actually help alot.honestly,why do people need to get so drunk every friday or saturday right?you think its merrymaking,but its actually're just being stupefied,amuck and uncontrolled.

maybe some of you think,"wtf is bea talking.drinking liquor is fun okay." think twice.

you may click on it if you wish to see the rest.impressing?i believe it is not.This is not what you call "partying".i might relate this to disordered and mentally ill.

i heart my big adorable babe.

and now i have to admit,i do love them.
infinity much. (:

Friday, April 18, 2008


got tagged by Elaine Lee.You know,i actually thought nobody was gonna tag me because they usually think i dont read their blogs.well,obviously,Elaine noticed that i never got Tag for like god knows how,Elaine Lee,i have something to speak. I LOVE YOU. (:

put up the 5 names not scroll down,no cheating,or i'll haunt you!
Ah Chia

1. How did you meet 1 ?

to be honest,i dont actually know.through a friend,or or,msn.

2. On a scale of 1 -10 how would u rate your friendship with 1 ?
10. ;D

3. How long have you known 4?
Dis year is the 4th year.

4. How do you know number 3?
randomly.the first word he said to me was "big eyes!"

5. Where's 5?
Probably at home,or at school.but either one,she's thinking bout me. =p

6. A fact about number 1?
One word,eye catching.

7. Who is 4 going out with?
No one.well,at least i dont think so.

8. What does 1 do for living?
Loving me. heeeeee.

9. Would you live with number 3 ?
Well, he can do all the house chores,while i watch TV.

10. What do you like about number 2?
She's my twin,my sister,my mirror.and she's bitchy. =D

11. Do you miss number 5 ?
Isn't it obvious enough?

12. Would you make out with number 4 ?
you sick ar?i ain't no lesbian.

13. What's your opinion of number 2 ?
The hottest chick in klang.

14. What's your favorite memory with number 4 ?
Good old times when we're having a sleepover at my house.

15. What would you do if number 1 and 2 were going out ?
Probably laugh hard,and say it's a good joke.

16. Ever had a long conversation with 5 ?
Like everyday,i guess.

17. Have you ever slept at 2's house ?

18. Do you hang out with 3 alot ?
Sadly,No. =(

19. Who have you known the longest ?
Number 4, Helyna.

20. What will happen if number 1 and 5 have a relationship ?
i'll be happy!they're both two awesome people,and should meet up.

21. How often do you talk to 1 ?
Whenver I want to.and when she's not busy.hahaa!

22. What about 2 ?
Each time i see her online.
23. Have you ever thought 3 more than a friend ?
Err,yeah.a number of times.hahaaa!

24. Would you go out on a date with number 5 ?
Yessssss,WE SHOULD!

25. Do you dream about number 2 ?
YES!i remembered once,i had a dream bout her being dumped and being pregnant.

26. . What did no 4 did to you that you can never forget ?
Say "anything".its her favourite word.

27. What have you done for 1 that the person never forget ?
Making lame jokes and cracks them up.

28. What's 3 hobby ?
Watching tv,loves cars,chattin with me! =p

29. Tag 5 people.
U Zhing

The internationals

Last day of term,and 2 weeks holidays are to be here!we had a international shared lunch to say farewell to the german chicks.which means,Farina's gonna be going. =( well,the food was obviously tempting.
Jane & 2 other jap chicks.

Food! =)
All international at my school.
not in the photo:me,anusha.
credits to my wifey.Love you! :p

Night,was just A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.we had "sing star"'s like karaoke,but through's really a fun game to try.newayyyy,all 6 of us are there.6 host sisters.i know,shocking,eh?
and and,my throat is really sore!it feels like someone stuffed a sock up my throat.

Farina & Jordan.

enjoy,peeps. =)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


well,good luck to those who are participating in MSSD.
especially, know you guys rock! =)
i'm suppose to be there.watching it,laughing at it.

Monday, April 14, 2008


have you ever wondered who's "the one" for you?specifically,do you even know it's him?
thats the question is everyone's mind.

who's the one?
when is my dream idol gonna appear?
will i actually get one?
what if ii'm not sure we're be permanent?

honestly,there's nothing for you to be afraid of.cause honestly,you'll just know it.i know,easy to say,not easy to do it.idk whether is he the one for me or not.the one,the guy,the him,the boyfriend.or further,the fiance,the husband,the oldman you're standing beside when you're 70.a lil extreme?maybe it's just chidlish thoughts.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Louis birthday.

the day has finally and i have to say Happy birthday!
that stupid guy,who always teases me for being young.
neway,we had a blast at matt's house yesterday night.Mew,lukas and Hassan got me,it was funny!sorry i couldn't take any photos hands were kinda full with pizzas and chickens.i did took a video of them dancing tho.crank that soulja boy!

i's really funny.seriously,watch it.that's about it.

went to town on saturday.the usual.
but hang out with heidi and garth.garth is GAY!

remember the bag i told you guys i was making?well,this is kinda the halfway done work.still in progress tho.nice? i know its ugly.haha!thought,i'm happy,i must say. =)

needed expresso to cheap me up.oh btw,can see my bag?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Never back down.

never back down.this is a must to brother's so obsess with the guy till he watched it twice in the cinema.i know,he's gay.he's soooooo hot!i mean seriously.

his body is wow.
his face is wow.
his attitude is WOW.

search his photos,cam gigandet.


guys are bitches.or shall i imply them to dicks.
everytime a beautiful girl comes in the picture,you go flying to them.
and leave your whole gang behind.nice,good job.
i cant say guys will be guys.
because i know some of you are not like that.

one question,why are guys like that?

Thursday, April 10, 2008


know what?i adore someone.
i miss 2nd family.
i miss kylla and stuffs.
i miss Him. =(

take my words

you know what?i'll tell you're a bitch.oh no,sorry you dont deserve that.
not only a bitch,you're a whore,a slut,a backstabber,an eyesore,a pain in the ass,a double-crosser.
i'm sure you dont want me to go on,if you do,do get a piece of'll need it.


you thought i was your best friend,for that matter,you treated me like one.yes,i do appreciate it.but sometimes,you can be a real pain in the kidding,seriously.

why do you want me to hate people you have something against with?don't you think you're a tad bit pushy?go home and boss your silbings around,i suggest.

plus,the whole incident thing today,i fucking didnt do anything!

go to the dean,i dont give a does Kylla and Ceej.

Sunday, April 06, 2008



sad?yes,i could me that stupid to leave their wallets in the bus?
oh yeah,me. omgggg.
i lost everything in it,including my money.
i'm like a beggar who begs for money to take bus home. =/
oh yeah,me and erjie decided to dress lala to town on sat,and this is how we looked.

ju & kel.

love the boots?so do i. =)