Thursday, November 22, 2007

This is It

well,so long for now. i gotta go wait for my ride to christchurch.
dont ask me to call you when i reach there,cause there's too many of you to remember.
what can i say,im forgetful. (;
same old number,no changes.
so see ya soon!
wish i crash and die.

its Here

This is the day,it has finally arrived.
why do i feel sad?slowly,tears rolled down my face.
my 3 best friends,have left me,AGAIN.
though its only a 7 weeks short of period,i enjoyed my time,i have to say.
Hongkong & Thailand.hmm,shall i visit one day?
a new year to come,but you guys remain in me. (;

i will definally miss you alot.andd,love ya lots.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Last Night

obviously,this is the last night.

so photos where taken here and there.
sadly,not with my phone battery lah.

oh i how much and i gona miss you guys. ;(



i got half of my exams results out.
guess what?for science ;
biology- B
space- NA (non achieved)
pu ki tiang.where got such thing wan.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


got tagged by May Jean.

Layer One: On The Outside
Name: Beatrice
Birth Date: 23rd Sept
Current status: Single.
Eye Colour: Brownish Blach
Hair Colour: Brownish Black
Righty or Lefty: Lefty,obviously.

Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage: my butt hole.
Your Fears: ghosts,people being unhapy,getting screwed by my brother.
Your Weakness: My brother and Mum.
Your Perfect Pizza: Meatosaurus

Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: "aiyo,lazy to brush teeth lah."
Your Bedtime: on schooling days,12.30am. on weekends,5 or 6am.
Your Most Missed Memory: Everything that has happened in the past 4 years.

Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi and Diet Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: I rather chose Subway.
Single or Group Dates: Both is alright.
Adidas or Nike: Both.
Tea or Nestea: tea and tea. both the same.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
Cappucino or Coffee: Cappucino

Layer Five: Do You...
Smoke: What do you think?
Curse: In every sentence.
Take a shower: once every month,lol.
Have a crush: i Might.
Think you've been in love: Maybe.
Go to school: i go School to Sleep.
Believe in yourself: Not really.
Think you're a health freak: i do what i want.what does that tells you?

Layer Six: In The Past Month
Drank alcohol: Yes.
Gone to the mall: Yes.
Been on stage: Yes.
Eaten sushi: Yes.
Dyed your hair: Uh'huh.

Layer Seven: Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: Yes,only my top,tho.
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: everyone does that,obviously. specially when you're in form 1.

Layer Eight: Age You're Hoping
To Be Married: We'll see.
For a: guy who loves me so much.

Layer Nine: In a Girl/Guy
Best Eye Colour: Blue/Black
Best Hair Colour: Don't even try giving me an asian guy with blond hair. Like, ew?
Short Hair or Long Hair: both.

Layer Ten: What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago: Typing.
1 Hour Ago: watching a canto drama while chatting.
4.5 Hours Ago: Swearing.
1 Month Ago: having fun.
1 Year Ago: being a bitch.

Layer Eleven: Finish The Sentence
I Love: noone you'd doubt.
I Feel: angry.
I Hate: certain people.
I Miss: everyone back in malaysia.
I Need: Counter Strike =(

Layer Twelve:
Tag Five People

1. Helyna
2. Ah Chia
3. Fiona
4. Kimberly
5. Belinda

He Called Me To Screw Me

go screw yourself then.
i hate you.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


i can now say Byebye to my education.

Social Studies,was unexpected.and that "dont worry.the paper's easy." bullshit from teacher.
it turned out to be harder than what we've thought.
2 hours paper,and not enough time for us to complete it.
- Who is the prime minister of NZ? oh yeah,like how am i suppose to know that.
- what country agreed to US for nuclear 'sumthing'? i put "i'll tell you later." LOL
- and the rest,you DONT wana know.

and science,easy but hard.
i can predict.wana see?

Physics - FAIL
Chemistry - FAIL
Biology - FAIL

Monday, November 12, 2007

Malaysia Made.

it may look like a normal chocolate.
but,no,its not Just a chocolate.look at it.

cant see?
look closer.



Look at my room now.
2 hours of work,potong giler.
oh,im such a neat person. =)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Two Idiots Stayover

we call it "group study".
Pook and Paan came over my house to study.
we Ate and Study whole night.
apart from that,we were going high with the webcam.

to those who we disturb in msn with my monsterous faces,
Im sorry,hahaha!

somehow,the word "camwhore" came across our minds.
so yes,thats exactly what we do.
seriously,we hav HEAPS of photos.
photos from phone,camera and webcam.
photos?definally below.

oh yeah,we slept at 4am.and now im brainstorming my brains.


Look what they've done to my room? URGH.

shall i say there's too much more to post?

haha!here's webcam photos.

Alot of Post in One Day.

i didnt exactly had a fight with it.
well,sort of.but not a fight.
i felt he was neglecting me.
so he decided to hang out with me.
watch movie and makan on Sunday.
but it seems that we didnt make it.

so he bought me a chocolate.
now i understand.

he's trying to tell me ;
nomatter what i'll never kick you aside

Spm candidates.

To All SPM Candidates.
i wish you all the best.
and dont hurry and dont be afraid.
just relax,and do the best you can.
like a normal exam you had form the past 4 year.

Mister Finally not young.

Saturday,10 Nov.
i just love this photo of him so much.
he look so gay with Pink shoes.haha!
obviously,you already know it's his birthday.
but im here to repeat that again.
though i may not be the first to wish you,i still want to.
a disappointment,eh? =/
and get drunk,of course.heeeee =P
you know i love you,most. heee! =D

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

7 days.

and im meant to be revising all those stories for English?
Joyeux is a movie we've studied.
Chinese Cindrella is a book.
and Formal writing?
oh as if im gonna pass that.
there goes my E for english.
kanasail betul.


a video which we rocorded bout bout 2 weeks ago.
yesh,i kow i suck at it.
im trying,tho.

and DONT patient.

Piano Sucesser

i din know you can play piano.
furthermore,for 10 yearssss?! babi.teach me,can? =]

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


me,Beatrice Chin,nerd for 5 hours OMG OMG OMG.
i suddenly feel so smart now.
i mean,how hard can a test be? =D

"bea-dawg,you're my butter chicken." cries allisha. =D

LOVE YA BITCH.hahahahah!

Try It

this is sumthing like friendster.but better and EASIER.
so try it.invite more friends! =]

Sunday, November 04, 2007

A sunday day.

as you know,Halloween.
every1's talking bout Halloween halloween halloween.
there's a party yesterday.which i was meant to show up there.
when i didn't.

a normal saturday,like any other.
oh,but but,i watched Game Plan.

all i can say is,two thumbs up.

touching = means i cried.
and yes,i did cried.numerous times also.sad lah.

then then,head back to cousin's flat to stay over.

where am i looking?oh,i ruin the photo. =/

my new hairstyle. =)

before or now,better?

i wish i had a fat boyfriend

who can resist hot hunks?i admit i cant.

to me, "hot hunks is for seeing,not for being."

which is sort of a dangerous thing to say,but you know,it's true and all.
im not saying hot hunks canot be trusted cause they'll fall for someone else in a click.
but its because of the feeling you have.

for example,try hugging a skinny hunk and a chubby hunk.tell me the diffrence.

hugging a chubby hunk,makes me feel warm and secure.
and it also gives you have the urge of hugging him once more.

like,there's a warm feeling that a skinny guy doesnt have.

agree or not agree?


i reckoned i have made up my mind,what i want to be.

a writer?
a journalist?
a lawyer?
a news reporter?

as you can see,everything above actually have common links.
it all regards to news and daily events that happens.i somhow found out i actually like to know what else is outside the world.

a writer,hmm,prolly english ain't good,im definally not creative.
journalis,thats a 50% yes.
lawyer,i'd love to fight for someone who's,i talk alot.and that helps.
news reporter,a big nono.those nosy 'dogs' following ppl and stalking them :


oh,this sucks.i hate picking my careers. =/

Friday, November 02, 2007


i obviously hate this period of the year.
where exams are coming,and i somehow have to 'study'.
which is sumthing im not gona do,for sure.
2 more weeks,only.

ouch ouch.